Saturday, May 7, 2011

Christianity is LOVE

Jesus was asked what is the greatest of all the commandments, And Jesus said, Thou shall Love thy GOD with all thy Heart, all thy Soul, and with all thy Mind.  This is the First and  Greatest Commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shall Love thy Neighbour as thyself.
  When we follow these two commandments all things are possible.  GOD'S Laws to Moses are fullfilled.   Jealousy has no place in a heart filled with Love.  Sickness and Disease have no hold where love is.  We need to get back to the basic's Love, Caring, Sharing.  A man with Love in his heart, always has a Smile on his face.  With Love there is no hate, Jesus on the cross, said forgive them Lord for they know not what they did, now that is true Love.  With Love in your heart you want to share and help your fellow man.  Working with different ministry groups, I have seen a real need for Us to help each other, find Love in thy Heart.  It is easy, Just a smile, a handshake, a hug,  opens a door, when ya see the door open , fill the need.  None are to be left behind.  Do You have Love in Your Heart.  GOD so Loveth the World He send His only begotten Son, to Earth as Saviour for All Mankind.